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Annual Meeting - PEP on Internet Resources

I will be presenting a PEP course on Health Physics Resources on the Internet  
at the annual meeting in Boston this summer.  I would very much appreciate  
suggestions from you netizens out there as to what topics you think should be  
covered.  I imagine that the audience will be composed of HPs who are  
interested in learning how this internet thing might be relevant to their work,  
so I think it would be helpful to hear from those of you who already know the  
answers.  As I develop the materials, I intend to post them on my WWW  
server...I'll post the URL here for those of you who are interested in helping  
me out.

Please send your comments/suggestions to me (h-mandel@uiuc.edu) VIA EMAIL  
rather than posting to this mailing list.

Thanks in advance!

Hector Mandel, CHP
(actually, I used to be a CHP, but now I'm a full-time Geek)
      Hector Mandel, OCCSS Manager of Systems Services  | (217) 244-7237
      Computing and Communications Services Office      | h-mandel@uiuc.edu
      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign        | pager 53171
      http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/h-mandel               | FAX 217-333-2869