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...no subject...

Greetings All,

I couldn't help getting my two cents worth in on this issue of public dose, 
occupational dose, etc.  As was stated in an earlier posting, by definition, 
if you are in a restricted area, you are receiving occupational dose.  The NRC 
had issued a draft set of regulations in 1994 that clarified alot of these 
issues, but unfortunately they have gotten no farther than the draft status.  
IMHO, one of their thorniest issues is trying to regulate materials licensees 
and reactor licensees with the same set of regulations (10 CFR 20).  I was 
extensively involved with the implementation of the revisions to 10 CFR 20 at 
nuclear power plants.  It became readily apparent that materials licensees 
(particularly hospitals) and reactor licensees have contradictory issues, 
especially in the area definition arena, i.e. controlled areas, restricted 
areas, etc.

I believe the NRC would welcome input from licensees regarding this issue.  I 
think one solution might simply be to regulate us separately.  While this may 
sound like more work I don't think this is the case.  The NRC is already 
divided into NMSS and NRR, already has different licenseeing regulations, why 
not simply take the next step.

Linda Sewell

DISCLAIMER: Pacific Gas and Electric and Diablo Canyon Power Plant did not 
review or approve this message.  This message and the opinions contained 
within are the authors' alone.