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Re[2]: HPS HomePage -Reply

> Could this be a joint venture with the ANS RP&S?  Both Organizations would 
> benefit from such a venture.
> Jim Green
> Treasurer, SONGS Plant Branch ANS
> Greenjx@songs.sce.com

We at ANS BMD are also into putting materials on-line (based on the Nov 94,
Jun 95, and Oct/Nov 95 ANS national meeting 8 sessions on Low Level Radiation
Health Effects), though I think we should put up our own pages with pointers,
and some informal coordination to avoid unnecessary redundancy. Have you been
involved with the ANS EC (Electronic Communications) effort re the likelihood
that ANS would be able to support such an effort? As a Member of the "EC
I-Team" and now "Committee" I would personally hesitate to make any promises! 

Regards, Jim