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re:Transport Index

>49 CFR 173.403 (bb) "Transport Index" means a dimensionless number (rounded up 
>to the first decimal place) placed on the label of a package to designate the 
>degree of control to be exercised by the carrier during transportation. The 
>Transport Index is determined as follows:
>(1) the number expressing the maximum radiation level in millirem per hour at 
>one meter (3.3. feet) from the external surface of the package.

The above definition is valid only for non-fissile contents. See IAEA Safety
Series # 6 for definition relevant to fissile material.


                        Alex Zapantis
                        Radiation Safety Officer                               
                        Queensland University of Technology          
                        Health & Safety Section                             
                        Locked Bag No.2
                        Red Hill Qld 4059

                        Ph     : 61 7 864 3566
                        fax     : 61 7 864 3993
                        email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au