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Ms. Jones referenced several publications that support the current limits for
release to the sewer, but this does not solve the issue of complying with
the solubility requirement. On my wish list is the allowance that if the
waste meets the Table 2 limits it can be released anywhere, including the
sewer, but that currently is not the NRC position.  So one is faced with
a significant investment if you wish to continue sewer releases.

The BIG question is whether sewage processors will eventually accept small
amounts of radiological contamination, and whether NRC will be able to
allow that solid waste to be disposed of in an inexpensive fashion.  Your
(you, the licensee) perception of this determines whether you should plan
on continued releases to the sewer.  Personally, I am looking at everything
I can do to reduce liquid volumes so that I can be in a position to turn off
the spigot and evaporate small volumes.  I do not think that the RAM phobia
will go away in the next few years, and ones needs to be realistic in
anticipating your organizations needs in order to continue needed operations.

   ...a little risk, like a bit of spice, adds flavor to life
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