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Re: Sheilding Software Inquiry
> David: There is a software program called kuxkvp that was produced by Simpkins
> and it appeared in the Health Physics Society Journal. I can send you a copy if
> you provide me with your address. It is a very good program...mike coogen sends
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: Sheilding Software Inquiry
> Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at hq2ccgw
> Date: 7/12/95 7:36 AM
> David A. Wise
> dwise@freenet.scri.fsu.edu
> Phone# 803.791.9900
> Fax# 803.791.9911
Dear Mr. Coogen:
Thank you for your interest and help. I greatly appreciate your
willingness to help me in my endeavors. My address follows:
David A. Wise
ALARON Corporation
Park Place Ste. 500
440 Knox Abbott Dr.
Cayce, SC 29033
and my phone/fax numbers follow.
David A. Wise
Phone# 803.791.9900
Fax# 803.791.9911
Niether this transmission nor its' contents represent the views,
positions or attitudes of my employer(s).