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Radioisotope Use in Australia

>Return-path: <owner-safety@UVMVM.UVM.EDU>
>Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 14:31:58 +1000
>From: Peter Heimanis <p.heimanis@ST.NEPEAN.UWS.EDU.AU>
>Subject: Radioisotopes (I's a dope ???)
>Sender: Safety <SAFETY@uvmvm.uvm.edu>
>To: Multiple recipients of list SAFETY <SAFETY@uvmvm.uvm.edu>
>Reply-to: Safety <SAFETY@uvmvm.uvm.edu>
>X-Sender: peterh@arthur
>Our Bioscience Department wants to use radioisotopes in some research program.
>(actually the whole collective department doesn't want to....its just that
>a couple of the individual boffin research punters do!!)
>1)      what is a radioisotope ? (a defenition please...I know they are
>things that glow!)
>2)      is a radiation source also a radioisotope ? (we have licenses for U
>chemicals ( incl some 'hottish' minerals) and Physics radiation sources
>(incl smoke detector research stuff))
>3)      how (where?) do I find if we (uni, faculty etc) hold a license ? (I
>know we do but does it cover _all_ radiation sources)
>4)      How and where do we apply to become licensed?
>5)      what other hoops do we need to go through to make it all work?
>6)      what qualifications does the nominated license holder need?
>These questions...and many more are pertinent to the local OZ situation so
>your help is sought.
>Please help, .....the boss is in a foul mood and he's hanging out for the
>right info....yesterday!!!
>        <<<<--->>>><<<<<--->>>> XXX <<<<--->>>><<<<<---<<<<
>Peter Heimanis
>Manager, Technical and Administrative Operations
>Faculty of Science and Technology
>University of Western Sydney, Nepean
>        <<<<--->>>><<<<<--->>>> XXX <<<<--->>>><<<<<---<<<<
>e-mail:                                         Snailmail:
>p.heimanis@st.nepean.uws.edu.au                 P.O. Box 10
>                                                Kingswood,
>Phone:          61 47 360439                    N.S.W. 2747
>Mobile:         61 18 292878                    Australia
>Fax:            61 47 360713
>        <<<<--->>>><<<<<--->>>> XXX <<<<--->>>><<<<<---<<<<

 Melanie Byers, Health Physicist   Vanderbilt Univ. Institutional Safety
byersmm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu     Radiation Safety Section
 (615)322-2057 (phone)             Nashville, TN
 This is my opinion only and does not necessarily reflect my employer's.