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Dear Jeanne,
I don't deal with P-32, but thought our badging criteria might be of
interest to you. I probably tend to overbadge, because I have this
paranoid fear of having to testify at a "radiation liability" trial 20
years from now with no badging data for the plaintiff who has been
working with or near radioactive materials. So while I'm not
responding directly to your question, I think I may raise some points
you may want to consider.
Our badging criteria are:
1) Individual will receive or is likely to receive an annual external
whole body dose greater than 100 mrem; or,
2) Individual will receive or is likely to receive an annual dose to
the extremities, lens of the eye or skin greater than 10 percent of
corresponding limits; or,
3) Individual operates, sets up shots for, or performs maintenance on
energized radiation producing equipment; or,
4) Individual will enter posted Radiation Areas or High Radiation
Areas; or,
5) Individual could be in proximity to radiation producing equipment
or radioactive materials under such conditions that a significant
exposure could occur in an off-normal situation.
I also have an unwritten rule that I will badge individuals who appear
to be extremely nervous about whether or not they are working around
radiation in order to demonstrate that they are not being exposed. I
find the $ 10.00 badge has tremendous paybacks in program credibility
with workers, especially non-radiological workers ("I have nothing to
hide. Here's a badge; let's see if you get anything.").
Hope this helps.
Jim Barnes, CHP
Rockwell International, Rocketdyne Division
You wrote:
>I am in the process of reducing the number of film and ring badges our
>office issues. Currently we issue over 2,500/month. A large chunk of
>monitored individuals use P-32, and receive considerably less thatn
10% of
>their annual dose limits.
>I would appreciate any input from those institutions that do not
>badge all P-32 users. How do you decide which P-32 users receive a
>and which do not? We are attempting to develope a mCi*hr yearly
>above which users must have film and ring badges. It is not working
out as
>"cleanly" as we had hoped.
>Jeanne McGuire
>e-mail jmcguire@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu