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Re: RF and Microwave Trainin
Reply to: RE>RF and Microwave Training for Res
The AIHA will be giving a two day hands on type class in San Diego on October
12 and 13, 1995. It will cover static fields through microwaves.
Contact Carol Tobin at AIHA for enrollment information, (703) 849-8888, fax
(703) 207-3561.
Date: 8/25/95 6:08 AM
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Does anyone know of any vendors or individuals who give RF and
microwave safety training ? The training would be for our
researchers and would be done at NRL.
I am also looking for laser safety training sources for the same
Andy Miller - Radiation Safety Officer - Naval Research Laboratory
Code 1244 - 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW - Washington, DC 20375-5320
Commercial: 202-767-2232 AV: 297-2232 Fax: 202-404-7704
e-mail: miller@safetyhp.nrl.navy.mil
Change is inevitable.......progress is optional.
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From: "Andy Miller" <MILLER@safetyhp.nrl.navy.mil>
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Subject: RF and Microwave Training for Researchers
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