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Re: Transmutation, sort of

 This seems somewhat reminiscent of a process we were offered. If memory
 serves, it involved rinsing the radioactive material with a "catalyst" which
 contained nitric acid. This "catalyst" went down the drain...not something I
 think I nor any number of others, including certain regulatory agencies would

 I do think there is a very legitimate question here. How much effort should we
 expend in dealing with these miracle workers? Do we ignore them on the premise
 that giving them any attention lends credence to their efforts? If not, what
 is the best action to take?

 I lean towards ignoring them unless their process is likely to result in a
 violation of law or a hazard to the public or the environment. In this case, I
 would feel bound to report their activities to the appropriate regulatory
 agency. (How this report would be made would be dependent on whether or not I
 was approached as a private citizen or as an employee of my company.)
 Informing the person demonstating this process of my intent would be entirely
 dependent on my estimation of whether or not they would be likely to cease
 such activities. I tend to doubt it.

      This represents my opinion only, not that of my employer or any
 one else of any importance.

 Richard W. Edwards, Analyst            The Boeing Company
 Phone/Fax: (206)393-1999/393-3060      P.O. Box 3703, M/S 6Y-38
 email: shea132@kgv2.bems.boeing.com    Seattle, WA 98124-2207