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Re: Good Morning America

Having been personally involved with the NEST program in several 
capacities over the past 8 years, I'd concur that the portion of the 
program dealing with the NEST organization 
was generally well balanced and may have served to identify to the 
general public a capability previously not extensively publicized.

As health physicists we could all probably find many "nits" to pick with 
any such presentation -- implying that one would use a geiger counter to 
search for Pu ???  Also a number of others -- one commenter earlier today 
questioned whether Ms London (or anyone for that matter) would actually be 
allowed to handle a sphere of Pu under the circumstances shown??? --- etc.

Bottom line - while the program certainly wasn't a scientific masterpiece, 
it may have value in informing the general public and could certainly have 
done _much_ worse in the "plutonium hysteria" department.


All that said - are we ALL in the wrong field?  Haven't yet met a 
"rad-safer" with a house even approaching the one they showed Michael 
Bolton living in.

>>> usual disclaimer <<<

Bruce Dicey
Sr. HP - EPA Las Vegas