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Collodion: What is it good for?

 To: IN14994 --POST

 From: R.J.Vetter
 Subject: Collodion: What is it good for?

     Flexible collodion (nitrocellulose solution) can be used to cover wounds
 and may be puchased over the counter in products such as as liquid skin,
 liquid bandage, second skin, etc. It has been or currently may be used to
 cover the puncture wound in the abdomen following instillation of P-32 for
 ascites. While it may have been used commonly in the past, today physicians
 are more likely to insert the catheter more laterally, which allows the
 abdominal wall to seal itself more easily. Also, purse string sutures are now
 used to close the puncture wound following removal of the catheter, which
 minimizes the risk of would leakage and subsequent P-32 contamination.

 *    Richard J. Vetter, Ph.D. CHP   email: rvetter@mayo.edu   *
 *** Reply to note of 10/25/95 21:44
 Date: 25 Oct 95 21:44:01 CDT
 From: radsafe
 To:   IN14994 --POST     radsafe@romulus.eh
 Subject: Collodion: What is it good for?

         Has anyone a clue what collodion would be used for in a radiation
 safety program?  We were looking through our collection of solvents/reagents
 a while ago, and found about a half-liter of this.

         For those wondering what collodion is, it seems to be a solution
 of nitrocellulose in ether (unopened), so oxygen decomposition  products
 are a secondary consideration.

         We do not have an immediate use for this material, but if there
 is a valid use for this in the context of sample preperation, analysis,
 etc., maybe we can use it, rather than dispose of it.
 Don Price                       dprice@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu

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 Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 21:43:03 +0000
 From: dprice@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Don Price)
 Subject: Collodion: What is it good for?
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