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Consumer Products containing radioactive substances.

This is not a question, this is information.

A week or two ago someone was looking for information on everyday 
items which contain radioactive materials.     The European 
Commission commissioned a report on consumer products, the report 
was published in 1995.  The details are as follows:

European Commission
radiation protection 68
Study on consumer products containing radioactive substances in the 
EU Member States.   Contract No 89-ET-023    Report EUR 15846 EN
ISBN 92-826-9000-8

The report is 112 pages. It covers General Information; Relevant 
legislation and Guidance; Evaluation of the collected information and 
Material and Annexs plus references.

The book is orientated to European Community Countries.   Consumer 
Products listed are: radioluminuous paints, gaseous tritium light 
sources; antistaic brushes, optical lenses, ceramic tiles and 
tableware; dental products; glassware; fluorescent lamp starters; 
electronic tubes/electric lights, incandescent gas mantles; ionization 
chamber smoke detectors; irradiated gemstones; lightning Conductor 
attachments; thoriated Tungsten welding electrodes; spa water; 
building materials; and geological specimens.

Official European Publications, if interested, can be obtained via 
agents e.g.
In USA - UNIPUB Lanham MD tel (800) 274 4888 fax (301) 459 0056
In Oz - Hunter Publications tel (3) 417 5361 fax (3) 419 7154

Gus Zabierek

                 Gus Zabierek             
             Radiation Protection Adviser
***********   Health and Safety Unit    ***************
***********  University of Birmingham   ***************
 **********   tel 0121 414 5253          **************
              fax 0121 414 3309
  *********  G.A.Zabierek@BHAM.AC.UK    *************