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?? Cs-137 uptake through skin
Hi All,
Here is someone who is looking for some help and information. Please
respond to the e-mail address below. Thank again, as always.
-Bruce Busby
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 74472.154@COMPUSERVE.COM
We have had several instances of plant employees - mostly those who work
in our irradiated fuel bays - being subject to whole body counting, with
low levels (average of 10 nCi) of Cesium-137 being indicated. Large
volume urinalysis also indicates Cs-137 uptake (up to 30 pCi/l, on
average). Although this is not unusual for those who have worked in the
bays without respiratory protetction, in each of these cases the
employees are adamant that they were at no time unprotected, nor did they
ingest anything while in the bay rooms. However, in each case, they WERE
subject to skin wetting from the bay water. It would almost appear then
that there was some absortion of Cs-137 through the skin. Our problem is
that none of the ICRP guidelines contains any information as to skin
absorption rates; excretion functions, etc, for such an intake
route. We're not even sure if this IS a route.
Has there been any other experience with this problem that you are aware
of? If so, are there any guidelines which we could use to evaluate each
case and assign dose, if necessary?
Thanks, and looking forward to your answer.
Jim Patterson