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> The American Nuclear Society
> (Unofficial)
> Prepared by Paul Wilson with assistance and support from Todd Postma,
> Dr. Vujic, and Ben Slone
> [Imagemap Logo and ControlPanel]
> 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, Illinois 60525 USA,
> Phone: 708-352-6611, Telex: 4972673, Fax: 708-352-0499
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Nuclear Society is an international, not-for-profit
> organization consisting of more than 16,000 engineers, scientists,
> educators, students, and others with nuclear-related interests. These
> individuals represent more than 1,600 corporations, educational
> institutions, and government agencies - approximately 1,200 members
> live overseas in 40 countries.
> The Society's main objectives are the advancement of engineering and
> science relating to the nuclear power industry, particularly operating
> plants and other nuclear activities, and the integration of the
> science and management disciplines constituting nuclear science and
> technology. Other purposes are to encourage research, establish
> scholarships, disseminate information through publications and
> journals, inform the public about nuclear related activities, hold
> meetings devoted to scientific and technical papers, and cooperate
> with government agencies, educational institutions, and other
> organizations having similar purposes.
> The entire nuclear power industry benefits from ANS' activities and
> programs. Individual ANS members can take advantage of numerous
> opportunities to achieve personal career objectives and professional
> growth; they can also influence the Society's activities and
> attitudes, and ultimately, public opinion.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image] To be done
> Paul Wilson <wilson@candu.neep.wisc.edu>
> Last modified: Thu Jun 1 15:57:05 1995