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Laser Eyewear OD and Need f

To: RADSAFE --INTERNET radsafe@romulus.eh

My understanding is that all class 4 lasers require "whole body protection".
 I don't quite understand what you are asking.  Why would a remote laser need
  someone to wear eyeprotection ie how remote is it.  Also check out the fold
out table at the back of Z136.1 it summarizes what is needed and not needed
for all laser classes.

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
The opinions and material above are solely those of the author.
This is a disclaimer for postings to bulletin boards, newsgroups
etc., on the internet.  Randy Ross, rnross@bcsc02.gov.bc.ca
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                      Laser Eyewear OD and Need for Other Actions
Does anybody know of some rule of thumb or customary practice about when the OD
of laser eyewear shows a need for (1) whole body protection or (2) remote or
unmanned operation of a laser?