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waste processing

I am collecting information re: the ways the Universities and
other reseach facilities handle the liquid and solid wastes
that are generated. I would appreciate any responses to the
following questions. (I don't need exact numbers/values.
Ballpark estimates are just fine in the range of +/- 25%.)

Thanks in advance.

1. Estimate of solid waste that must be disposed of annually.

2. Estimate of liquid waste that must be disposed of annually.

3. Do you have a DIS program.

4. Do you release liquids to sewerage.

5. How do you determine when liquids and solid radwaste has been held long
enough in DIS prior to disposal. Please provide as much detail
as you can here.

6. What is your DIS half life limit.

7. Do you have an incinerator.

8. Where do you send your DIS solids after they have DISed.

9. Do you have a place that you can store large amounts of
waste while they are DISsing.

10. How large is your radwaste staff - in FTE.

11. How many labs and users of rad material do you have.

12. Are you an agreement state.

13. Any other information you would like to give me is

Please reply either through radsafe, or preferably to me
direct, to keep the volume down on the listserver.  My email
address is rgp2m@poe.acc.virginia.edu

Thanks again.

Rick Piccolo
University of Virginia RSO and AAGG