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Jan HPS Journal TOC

Hi All,

The Journal Staff asked me to post this for them, being that they are 
having computer problems, but then, they use Macs....



		Schedule of Contents
		Volume 70, No. 1,  January 1996

	News on the Net
	Kenneth L. Miller


	The Internet and the Health Physicist
	Bruce Busby


	Opportunities for the Testing of Environmental
	Transport Models using Data obtained following
	the Chernobyl Accident
	F. Owen Hoffman, Kathleen M. Thiessen, and
	Barbara Watkins

	Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data:
		I. Wash-off of 90Sr and 137Cs from two 
		Experimental Plots Established in the 
		Vicinity of the Chernobyl Reactor
		A. V. Konoplev, A. A. Bulgakov, V.E. Popov,
		O. F. Popov, A. V. Scherbak, Yu. V. Shveikin,
		and F. O. Hoffman

	Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data:
		II. Assessment of the Consequences of the
		Radioactive Contamination of the Chernobyl
		Nuclear Power Plant Cooling Pond
		I. I. Kryshev, T. G. Sazykina, I. N. Ryabov,
		V. K. Chumak, and O. L. Zarubin

	Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data:
		III. Atmospheric Resuspension of Radionuclides in
		Ukrainian Regions Impacted by Chernobyl Fallout
		E. K. Garger, F. O. Hoffman, and C. W. Miller

	Single Point Aerosol Sampling: Evaluation of
	Mixing and Probe Performance in a Nuclear Stack
	John C. Rodgers, Charles I. Fairchild, Gerry O. Wood,
	Carlos A. Ortiz, Arnold Muyshondt, and
	Andrew R. McFarland

	Dose Equivalent Measurements at a 2.7 GeV Proton
	Accelerator and Comparison with the Moyer Model
	L. Bourgois, D. Delacroix, L. Ferreux,
	and L. Masson

	A Comparison of Four Aqueous-Miscible Liquid
	Scintillation Cocktails with an Alpha/Beta
	Discriminating Wallac 1415 Liquid Scintillation
	T. A. DeVol, D. D. Brown, J. D. Leyba,
	and R. A. Fjeld

	Development of an Atmospheric 222Rn
	Concentration Model using a Hydrodynamic
	Meteorological Model: I. One-Dimensional
	Practical Model
	Masamichi Chino, Hiromi Yamazawa, and
	Takao Iida

	Development of an Atmospheric 222Rn
	Concentration Model using a Hydrodynamic
	Meteorological Model: II. Three-Dimensional
	Research-Purpose Model
	Masamichi Chino and Hiromi Yamazawa
	Survey of 222Rn Concentrations in Dwellings and
	Soils in the Dutch Belgian Border Region
	H. J. Albering, J. A. Hoogewerff,
	and J. C. S. Kleinjans

	Natural Radionuclide and Plutonium Content in
	Black Sea Bottom Sediments
	A. Strezov, I. Yordanova, M. Pimpl, 
	and T. Stoilova

	Sex-Specific Tissue Weighting Factors for
	Effective Dose Equivalent Calculations
	X. G. Xu and W. D. Reece

	Effective Doses due to External Irradiation from
	the Chernobyl Accident for different Population
	Groups of Ukraine
	Ilya Likhtariov, Lionella Kovgan, Dmitriy Novak,
	Sergey Vavilov, Peter Jacob, and 
	Herwig P. Paretzke


	Radon Mitigation at Birch Cliff Public School
	R. Moridi and E. Becker

	Occurrence of Radon in Riyadh
	Groundwater Supplies
	Abdulrahman I. Alabdula'aly


	Estimated Dose to a Flood Clean-up Worker
	Joel I. Cehn

	Development of a System to Evaluate and 				
	Communicate Radiation Risk
	W. A. Wiatrowski, E. R. Giles, and E. P. Cooke


	Consistency in Radon Dosimetry
	and Nomenclature
	Alan Moghissi and Sorin Straja


	Fate and Transport of Organic Chemicals
	in the Environment: A Practical Guide
	Reviewed by Geoffrey G. Eichholz

	Dynamical Disease: Mathematical Analysis
	of Human Illness
	Reviewed by Donald Herbert

	Radioactive and Mixed Waste Risk as a
	Basis for Waste Classification
	Reviewed by Michael T. Ryan

	International Basic Safety Standards for Protection
	Against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of
	Radiation Sources
	Reviewed by John W. Poston, Sr.

	Total Quality for Safety and Health Professionals
	Reviewed by John A. Bauhs
	Safety in Diagnostic Radiology -- Report 72
	Reviewed by Duncan B. Howe

	Quality Control and Radiation Protection of the
	Patient in Diagnostic Radiology and
	Nuclear Medicine
	Reviewed by Duncan B. Howe

	News and Notices

	New Products

	Instructions for Submission of New Product 


	Instructions to Contributors

	Health Physics Society Prospectus

	Health Physics Society Affiliate Members

	Advertisers Guide

	Advertisers Index

	Up and Coming

On the Cover: This month Health Physics  begins a new monthly column 
about the Internet. The cover shows a typical Information Server that can 
be found on the World Wide Web. See Bruce Busby's introductory article, 
"News on the Net" on page 2 for additional information.
Photo courtesy of Dr. David Channin and Dr. Fred Prior of Penn State 
University's Department of Radiology.