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Re: Dose vs Regs cont'd

To: RADSAFE --INTERNET radsafe@romulus.eh

The " forbidden experiment" - what an imagination.  We have had a 5 rem limit
 for years.  We have been conducting this evil experiment for many many years
 with "not" evidence of harm.

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
The opinions and material above are solely those of the author.
This is a disclaimer for postings to bulletin boards, newsgroups
etc., on the internet.  Randy Ross, rnross@bcsc02.gov.bc.ca
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>>I continue to believe that we should set the limit,
>>work to it, do ALARA above it, and study those who actually get about
>>the limit each year. If we don't see any effects, continue to use the
>>limit. It is only after we have convincing evidence that 5 rem per year
>>is, in fact, harmful that we should lower the limit.

Al, While I find myself in agreement with most of what you are saying -
after supressing the gut reaction from YEARS of conditioning - the protocol
you outline above could be easily construed to be the "forbidden

If such were in fact done it would need to be couched in very different
terminology to not sound so much like a human experiment.