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Re: Contact at Bellona Foundation
At 09:26 AM 12/5/95 -0600, you wrote:
>I am interested in getting a copy of a report which was released on 11/29 by
>the Bellona Foundation in Norway which discusses nuclear waste storage in
>Russia. Does anyone have contact information for the Bellona Foundation? Is
>so, send me a note to jmiller@canberra.com. Thank you.
>Judy Miller
>Canberra Industries
>Try christian.rekkedal@euronetis.no
or bellona@euronetis.no//bellona@oslonett.no
Be aware that the organization formerly known as the KGB raided Bellona's
St. Petersburg and Moscow offices and carted away all computer equipment in
site. They even removed one employee off an airplane at St. Petersburg and
detained him for several hours of interogation. If you need more info call
me at 301-916-7725 or email me at abbott@washops.llnl.gov.
Dave Abbott.