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High Altitude Exposures thread - comments applicable globally
This is very true and hopefully has been expressed to the NRC in their
proposed decommissioning 59 FR 43200 (at least I think and hope it's still
a proposed regulation). See proposed 10 CFR 20.1404 which states that a
site will be considered acceptable for unrestricted use if:
(a) the residual radioactivity is distinguishable from background but will
not result in a TEDE ... in excess of 15 mrem (yes, I'm a units
(b) the residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are ALARA.
On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Bob Flood wrote:
> The problem with the application of the ALARA philosophy in the abseence of
> a de minimus value is simple: there is no number that cannot be divided by
> ten.
Kent Lambert
These are my thoughts. If they are wrong
I accidentally pressed the send instead of
the delete key. My employer makes no claim
to endorse my opinions.