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Re: Handling and Disposal of Uranyl Acetate
>YES, I am interested on how to handle (dispose) of uranyl acetate. please
forward any info you have. Thanks.
Ray Fong
NMC San Diego
> Folks,
> Recently, I have become concerned with the laboratory handling and
> disposal of the reagent, uranyl acetate. Based on behavior, I would
> expect that its distribution and handling would be a bit more
> regulated. I know the disposal of uranyl acetate waste is decidedly
> troublesome. Is the material considered 'exempt' for some reason?
> In any event, I'm looking for a response from those with experience
> with handling this compound. This may be of importance to others, so
> perhaps a few answers could be posted to 'RADSAFE' and the remainder
> to my attention. If interested, I'll gladly forward any and all
> responses compiled....thanks.
> Jack T. Roque, RSO
> Jack.T.Roque@urlus.sprint.com