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article request


I'm looking for an article in the journal _Radioactivity and 
Radiochemistry_ (1992, vol 3(1), page 53) entitled "The First
Peak -- O-15 Gas Trap."   Apparently it's an editorial or something;
it's only a page long.  If someone in RADSAFE-land has access it and 
is willing to fax a copy to me, I'd appreciate it.  

I'm doing my thesis on accelerator radioactive air emissions control
efforts; namely a delay line and an air scrubber system.  If anyone
has personal information regarding anything of the sort in a proton-
accelerator environment, I'd love to hear about it.  

Thanks in advance!  Please reply to me, and not RADSAFE; we all hate
to waste bandwidth!

Dave F

| David Fuehne     |   Air Quality Group  |   Surface Mail address: |
| 505/665-4492 vox |        -------       |         ESH-17  MS J978 |
| 505/665-8858 fax |     Environmental    |    Los Alamos Nat'l Lab |
| davef@lanl.gov   |  Health Physics Team |   Los Alamos, NM  87545 |