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Re: UV Tanning

To: RADSAFE --INTERNET radsafe@romulus.eh

No he's wrong. Both the incidence of melanoma and the mortality of melanoma
for both men and women are latitude dependant. Increasing closer to the
equator.It's in Sliney's book taken from National Academy of Sciences data.
Figure 6-6

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
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 As I understand it, melanoma is not as directly related to UV exposure.  The
>incidence of melanoma, the vicious skin cancer, is relatively constant over
>the surface of the earth, not just the tropics.

Are you sure about this?? I've seen stats indicating that 3% of English
residents develop skin cancer during their life compared to 70% of
Australian residents. Of these skin cancers, about 10% are melanomas. We in
Australia are constantly bombarded with warnings about solar UV exposure. To
quote one Australian medico;
"The most effective way of avoiding melanoma is to wear clothes. We almost
never see melanomas on peoples behinds!"

Am I completely off track here??


  Alex Zapantis
  Radiation Safety Officer
  Queensland University of Technology
  Health & Safety Section
  Locked Bag No.2                    Ph     : 61 7 3864 3566
  Red Hill Qld 4059                    fax     : 61 7 3864 3993
  AUSTRALIA                           Email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au

       "If I could remember the names of all those particles
        I would have become a botanist."
                                                            Enrico Fermi
