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FW: WIPP and Yucca Mountain


What is the current status of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant  for 
transuranic waste (DOE) and the Yucca Mountain facility for High Level 

A report issued by the DOE entitled " Spent Fuel Working Group Report" Nov. 
1993, describes the current status of HLW (spent reactor fuel).  This is an 
extremely informative report and should be reviewed by health physicists.

(Comments are those of the author and may not represent the views of NIOSH 
                    Jason Flora/WESTAT
                    NIOSH HAMILTON Bldg
                    4676 Columbia Pkwy R-44
                    Cincinnati, OH 45226

               Voice:    513 841-4464
               Fax: 513 841-4470
               Email:    jgf7@nioshe2.em.cdc.gov