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WIPP Status

Jason Flora (and others) have asked about the status of WIPP.

I speak only for myself, not DOE or Westinghouse.

Here goes.

As you know, the WIPP will dispose of defense-generated TRU waste (mostly in
55-gal. drums) only; i.e. no HLW or LLW.  These wastes will be permanently
stored 2150 ft. underground in bedded salt deposits.  The facility is
located in the SE corner of New Mexico.

The facility was prepared to open in 1993 for a 5-yr. test phase, where
small quantities of these wastes would be stored in the Underground, and
monitored for gas generation.  This on-site test phase  was cancelled, and
tests transferred to  Sandia and LANL.  The decision was made then to shoot
for opening the facility in June 1998 for actual disposal.

At present the WIPP is scheduled to open in Apr. 1998.

Three things are needed though to open for disposal.

1. An approved RCRA Part B permit from the state of NM.

2. An approved 40 CFR 191 No Migration Determination (NMD) from EPA.

3. An approved Compliance Certification from EPA.

The hope is to have all three applications for these permits submitted,
reviewed, and approved by 10/97.

Presently, a bill is moving through Congress which, among otther things,
will eliminate the need for the NMD.  If approved, opening could move up to

A new fly has just been thrown into the ointment though.  Two days ago, the
Attorney General of NM (Tom Udall), along with two environmental groups and
two citizens of Santa Fe, filed suit in the U.S. District Court of Appeals
in D.C.  against DOE and EPA, claiming that these agencies violated public
comment laws ("engaged in closed-door discussions")  when they issued 40 CFR
194  Compliance Criteria for the WIPP.  We'll see where it all goes.

That's where we stand now.  

Bates Estabrooks
Radiological Engineering