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Re: Status of ANSI N13.27 and NUREG/CR-6354???
>What is the current status of ANSI N13.27-1993 (Perf reqs for
pocket-sized alarm dosimeters and alard ratemeters) and NUREG/CR-6354
(Perf test of EPDs). <
NEI, Nuclear Energy Institute has recommended to the NRC that the
draft NUREG not be issued in a Final form due to it's content being
old data and not supported by the current technology. The NUREG was
intended to be a performance based document, but all it did was
summarize past performance of older version dosimeters. It is
therefore expected to die a slow death, as well it should. For
performance and type testing, see ANSI N42.20, which addresses
alarming electronic dosimeters.
As far as ANSI N13.27, the actual performance standard for electronic
dosimeters, similar to ANSI N13.11 for other type dosimeters, that is
a good question. I have been told that the standard has been pulled,
since N42.20 was issued. That would be a mistake, my opinion. N42.20
is more appropriate a type testing document, to be used by the
manufacturer, not the end user. N13.27 is the performance and criteria
based document, to be used by the end user. To not publish it is a
mistake, unless, N13.11 is modified to include ALL dosimeters for
testing and accreditation. THAT is the way it should be. Set a
standard and if you want to use a dosimeter, have it meet N13.11.
Testing protocols can be modified to suit the dosimeter, i.e., TLD
versus EPD, as in irradiation and reading, etc. However, the criteria
for accuracy and precision should be ONE and the SAME.
As always, the comments are my opinion, and mine alone.
Sandy Perle
Supervisor Health Physics
Florida Power and Light Company
Nuclear Division
(407) 694-4219 Office
(407) 694-3706 Fax
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