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I agree with Regis's comments. We too are in a litigation case as
well. We had Dave Weides give a lecture at last year's Panasonic
International TLD Symposium. It was so well received that I have asked
and have scheduled Dave to give a 2 hour talk at this year's
symposium. So, any of you Radsafers who will be attending this year's
symposium will be in for a real treat.
Sandy Perle
For a good insight on litigation for very low doses, well measured and
documented doses, attend one of the courses given by Dave Weidis of Jose and
Weidis.The one given at the HPS mid-year meeting in Scotsdale was a good
IMHO, in the U.S. today litigation for fun and profit will be with us untill
their is some kind of cap on tort judgements.
Dosimetry records will NOT prevent suits, they MAY help win the case.
Regis A. Greenwood, C H P
Senior Health Physicist
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station