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NORM Levels from welling operations
This is a forwarded message to RADSAFE from Ron Goodwin.
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Subject: NORM Levels from welling operations
Author: Ronald Goodwin at ODH-OMIS
Date: 5/9/96 8:28 AM
Jay, I am not sure there is such a thing as typical NORM levels for
welling operations.
This contaminant is very area dependent, and may very quite a bit even
with a specific geological area, ie. the hills of Texas (Austin and
San Antonio) are more NORM contaminated than eastern Texas which is
less contaminated than south Louisiana, which is more contaminated
than the hills of Mississippi (eastern area) which is more
contaminated that southern Ohio which is less contaminated than the
northern counties. See what I mean.
Each state that controls NORM in welling operations, and there are not
that many, set their own control limits. For example, AL is currently
redrafting their NORM regulations, with no timetable for adoption; AK
has not regulations for control of NORM; AZ controls all ram, including
NORM under general radiation regulations; AK has proposed that
equipment contaminated with NORM above 50 microrem/hr be controlled; CA
has not released any NORM regulations; CO is under lawsuit by
Envirocare of UT over disposal of some radioactive waste sent to a
solid waste landfill (The crux of this lawsuit is Envirocare felt this
was cutting into their business!); CT (Gov.) asked that proposed regs
on NORM be placed on hold, then reversed and asked that DEP start
redrafting NORM regs; DE, FL, HI, ID, ILIN, IO, KA, KY, MN, MO, MN, NV,
NY, NC, ND, OR, PA, RI, SD, VT, and WY have not developed specific
rules for NORM. All other states not listed in this list have some
control over NORM, from general registration of NORM sources to control
and licensing of NORM along with byproduct material, source material
and special nuclear material.
If I may suggest contacting The NORM Report which is published
quarterly by Peter Gray & Associates, P.O.B. 470932, Tulsa, OK, 74147,
Tel. 918/492-5250 (Fax 492-4959) this is an excellent source of
reference for what is happening, including posted proposed NORM
regulations be each state.
I hope this is somewhat helpful. If I can provide any further
information, please contact me by e-mail at
Ronald_goodwin@health.ohoi.gov or call (614) 644-2727 M-F 8:00-5:00
Best regards, and peace,
R. R. (Ron) Goodwin