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RE: Family Rad Kit

>From:	SMTP%"radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu"  9-MAY-1996 11:42:19.93
>From: Cathy Knox <cathyk@maroon.tc.umn.edu>
>An old Family Radiation Measuring kit has turned up in one of our research labs.
> I would like it for our department use, (teaching; show and tell, etc.) 
>and I would like to tell the finder person it has little monetary value.  
>Any feedback is appreciated, thankyou.

	I bought one last year for $2.50 at a garage sale. It was complete
	in original, box, with manuals, retailed new for $29.95.

	However I also laid out $2.50 for a Pocket Fisherman, (also brand new,)
	so this could give a layperson some idea of relative values.


Frank R. Borger - Physicist     ___      "One third of the rats were improved
Michael Reese - U of Chicago   |___      on the experimental medication, one
Center for Radiation Therapy   | |_) _   third remained the same, and the 
net: Frank@rover.uchicago.edu    | \|_)  other one third could not be repor-
ph: 312-791-8075 fa: 791-3697       |_)  ted on, because that rat got away."
                                         - Edwin Bidwell Wilson