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Re: FAA Radiation Workers
Using your logic, working down in a mine with a high radon level would not
qualify one to be a radiation worker since the exposure is to natural
background. . . It must be occupational exposure since the exposure
occurs as a direct result of and in the course of employment.
Ron Kathren
On Thu, 9 May 1996 sandy_perle@email.fpl.com wrote:
> Opinion only:
> How can they be classified as radiation workers if they are only
> exposed to natural background? If they are exposed around sources
> being shipped, maybe..
> I'll wait for a more knowledgeable reply to see if natural background
> is such that a worker is considered as a rad worker...
> Sandy Perle
> Supervisor Health Physics
> Florida Power and Light Company
> Homepage: http://www.wp.com/54398/home.html
> (407) 694-4219