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Tritium contamination procedures?

I'm submitting this for someone that is not on the list.  Please 
reply directly to them.



Forwarded message:
> 	We just had a State inspection and I have a number of things to take
> care of.  I wonder whether you know of anyone that might have a written
> procedure for working on a contaminated beamline.  We have one beamline
> that has tritium in it and need to develop a written procedure and
> permit system for working on it.  I don't know of anyone (save Los Alamos) 
> that might have the same problem - and the LANL tandem is shutdown I hear...
> 	Is there a newsgroup more appropriate to this sort of thing 
> than sci.physics.accelerator??  If you know of any lab RSO's that I could
> contact to get a sample procedure/work request, I'd appreciate it.
> ***********************************************************************
> *  Chris R. Westerfeldt				        	      *
> *  Research Scientist,  Radiation Safety Officer, & Postmaster        *
> *  Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory                           *
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> *  (919) 660-2545  FAX (919)660-2634            Physics Department    *
> *  CWEST@TUNL.DUKE.EDU                          Duke University       *
> *  CWEST@TUNL.BITNET                            T.U.N.L. Box 90308    *
> *                                               Durham, NC 27708-0308 *
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