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We have the following Health Physics instrumentation for sale.
1. Beckman benchtop LS6K-IC liquid scintillation counter. 3 channels, 20
program memory, cpm and dpm, RS232 port. $10,000.
2. Two Canberra series 35 plus multichannel analyzers.
3. Eight Canberra 3102 HV power supplies
4. Eight Canberra 2012 Spectroscopy amplifiers
5. Eight Canberra 727 lead shields for radon cannisters
6. Eight Canberra 802 NaI (Tl) detectors
7. Eight Canberra 2007P PMT base preamplifiers
Items 2 - 7 originally sold as radon cannister counting systems. Can be sold
8. Two Pylon AB-5 systems for continuous radon measurement, WL measurement,
grab sampling, grab WL measurements.
Call fax or email offer to Louis Rubin
Radiation Phyiscs
Phone: 301-937-4072
Fax: 301-937-2797
email: LRubin 3015@aol.com