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N & S Radcon -Reply
Brian, Jimmy Harris, DOE LAAO HP, can help you since he was part of
the pilot. His email: JHARRIS@DOE.LANL.GOV
>>> Brian Scott, ESH1 <bgs@lanl.gov> 07/05/96 09:22am >>>
A pilot program on implementing a Necessary and Sufficient (N&S) set of
radiological protection standards is underway at a facility that is under
my operational health physics team support. The performance criteria is
basically 10 CFR 835. (Of course, we're compliance with 835)
Since I have grew up in ops HP using a combination approach
(compliance, justification, optimization), I am a little confused as to what
N&S means in terms of radiation protection.
This is being taken quite seriously, so could someone bring me up to
speed as to how I should implement this?
If responses are e-mail-ed to me, I will post summaries.
Brian G. Scott pager #1047343 phone #7-1819