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Re: Pregnant policies in Europe?

>Ok, now I have told you Americans about our European paradise - I am ready
>for your comments!!!!
>Best wishes, =20
>Franz Schoenhofer

I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken Franz, Australia is paradise!!!

Here the recommended guidelines for pregnant women are 2mSv to the abdomen
of the woman and 1/20 of an ALI intake throughout the course of the
pregnancy once it is declared. 

As far as LAW goes, I do not believe the word "pregnant" is contained within
the relevant legislation in this state (Queensland) - but I could be wrong!!

  Alex Zapantis                                         
  Radiation Safety Officer                                     
  Queensland University of Technology 
  Acting Manager       
  Health & Safety Section                             
  Victoria Park Road                 Ph     : 61 7 3864 3566
  Kelvin Grove Qld 4059             fax     : 61 7 3864 3993
  AUSTRALIA                           Email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au    

    "From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen."

                                                               Cat Stevens
