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Re: Re[2]: Averill's Editorial

Well said.  Makes me wish I had stayed in this business.  From the side,
however, it appears that the debate is a healthy one for all concerned;
professionals through the public.

At 02:17 PM 7/31/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Bernard L. Cohen
>Physics Dept.
>University of Pittsburgh
>Pittsburgh, PA 15260
>Tel: (412)624-9245
>Fax: (412)624-9163
>e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
>On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Keith Welch wrote:
>> corrupted (as the LN-T model has).  Many folks have recently noted how LN-T
>> has been twisted into something it should not have been.  Whether we throw
>> this model away or not, we'll have to replace it with SOMETHING. How we
>> communicate our model to the world so that it is wisely implemented is the
>> important thing - not whether or not the model is completely irrefutable.
>> As usual all the above is MHO and is worth what you paid for it.
>> Keith Welch
>> Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
>> Newport News VA
>> welch@cebaf.gov
> ---We don't necessarily have to replace it with something if science 
>can't give the necessary info. For example, there is no widely used model 
>for air pollution from coal burning, so there is very little public fear 
>of it, especially after partial clean up technologies are emplaced. If it is 
>accepted that LNT grossly exaggerates the risk from 
>low level radiation --- my paper shows that and no one seems willing to 
>challenge it, at least in public or to me in person --- and we stop 
>saying how many poeple will die from various low level exposures, maybe 
>the public fear will decline and we can proceed rationally with burying 
>high level waste and low level waste, operating nuclear plants, transporting 
>radioactive materials, etc.
Donald A. McClure
 E-Mail: DAMcClure@lanl.gov 
 Voice: 505/667-3243
 FAX: 505/665-3359
 Los Alamos National Laboratory
 MS: P940
 Los Alamos, NM 87544