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Re: Radioiodine therapy on patient with pantopaque

        On 05 Aug 96 10:59 EDT, LOVELL.ANN@FORUM.VA.GOV wrote:
        >A quick question for the hospital health physics types.  Has 
        >anyone attempted ablation therapy (>100 mCi I-131) on a 
        >patient with a history of having pantopaque in their system?  
        >The pantopaque is still visible on MR.  I would appreciate any 
        >information regarding iodine suppression/challenge prior to 
        I have found that such medical questions are more productively 
        posted to the nuclear medicine list at nucmed@largnet.uwo.ca.
        Richard Cawthorn                cawthorn.r@atomcon.gc.ca
        Materials Regulation Division             (613) 995-6129
        Atomic Energy Control Board