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NRC reports on the web
Bob Hearn posted info on subscribing to the NRC listserver. In addition, you can get
summaries of the reports sent to you from "paul.smith@trobb.com" (a private/commercial
service) or you can look at the text directly by pointing your browser to
ftp://ftp.fedworld.gov/pub/nrc-pdr/nrc-pdr.htm (a US Gov server) or
http://www.support.net/tro/products.html (Paul Smith's private server)
This is not an endorsement, just 2 additional sources of info. I prefer to not get everything by
email automatically, so when I see a headline listing of interest I point to what I need. The link
to fedworld is also available from the NRC home page. Happy searching.
Todd Jackson CHP
Personal opinions only, not NRC etc