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Re: Re[3]: Real-time radiation mapping

-- [ From: Bill Schadt * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --

RadSafers,  Sreela Ferguson asked about
>... information you may have regarding a potentially state- 
>of-the-art equipment which is either still in development stage or has been

>recently released to the market place.... Those who have read an article on

>this piece of equipment (but unfortunately do not remember 
>make/manufacturer), tell me that the equipment uses (at a minimum), some
>of "video" camera/detector tied in to a personnel computer. The user
>the "video camera/detector" in the direction of the potentially
>area. The area being viewed by the camera/detector shows up on the PC with 

See the Vendor News section in the May/June issue of Radiation Protection
Management, page 12-14.  There is an article entitled, "The RMD Imaging
Survey Meter' and it deals with a survey meter from Radiation Monitoring
Devices, Inc.  Quoting from that article -- "...gives an intuitive picture
of the location, distribution, and intensity of gamma-ray sources.  The
system's monitor displays a quantitative image of the radiation field,
superimposed over a video image of the same field of view.  The imaging
survey meter contains two cameras -- one for the nuclear image and one for
the video image...."  For more information contact RMD, Inc. 44 Hunt Street,
Watertown, Mass 02172; phone (617)926-1167; FAX (617) 926-9743.

Bill Schadt
Radiation Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 10457
Silver Spring, MD 20914-0457
(301) 622-9644 (office)
(301) 622-1582 (fax)
email: info@chammp.com