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Re[2]: cpm conversion to mrem/hr
I bet Franz was one of those "Health Physics Experts" that we
saw coming out of the containment areas at Chernobyl with a
dust mask on, taking off their anti-c caps and wiping the sweat
off their faces (and beards) with it. Hey Franz you European
HP's ever heard of internal dose??? I know that "not all
european HP's are quite as dumb as you" however what I really
hope is that not all of them are as arrogant and
better-than-thou as you are. If they are, I could see that we
would have little use for any of their self indulgent opinions.
Maybe you should study a little European history. I bet that
would help you gain a little humility.
To all of the other European HP's who have access to this
forum.....Do you like being characterized or represented by this
Franz guy??? If not, why don't you let him know about it.