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Contaminated Shipments
- To: BlindCopyReceiver:;@compuserve.com
- Subject: Contaminated Shipments
- From: "Roy A. Parker" <70472.711@CompuServe.COM>
- Date: 30 Aug 96 10:57:40 EDT
> A damaged package is another matter-Don't accept it!
Please let me vehemently disagree. A damaged radioactive material
package represents a potential exposure and/or contamination problem.
By not accepting the package the potential problem has been transferred
from someone who can properly assess and manage the "damaged package,"
i.e. the authorized 'licensed' recipient, to someone who does not have
the immediate expertise nor knowledge on how to manage the "damaged
package," i.e. the carrier. By refusing the "damaged package" the
potential health physics situation has been exacerbated.
In the case of FedEx, personnel are trained to recognize "damage
hazardous material/dangerous goods packages," take appropriate initial
measures, and notify FedEx management. Unfortunately this does not
always occur. When it does please accept the damaged package. Any
questions concerning return of the package, shipping charges, or
whatever can be worked out later after the health physics questions have
been resolved.
In many cases where I have been notified of a "damaged package" in the
FedEx system and that package is at the destination station I will
request the assistance of the recipient and either arrange for delivery
of the package to him if feasible, based on my assessment of the damage,
or I may request that the recipient go to our FedEx location and assess
the "damaged package." In all cases my objective is to get the damaged
package out the transport system and into the hands of a knowledgeable
party that can make the appropriate health physics assessments.
A recipient accepting a "damaged radioactive material package" is simply
'good' health physics.
Roy A. Parker, Ph.D.
Radiation Physics Consultant
Federal Express Corporation
E-Mail: 70472.711@compuserve.com
Tel: 504-924-1473
Fax: 504-924-4269
-------------( Forwarded computer archived letter follows )-------------
Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
From: peterson@ridgefield.sdr.slb.com (Carl Peterson)
Subject: Re: Wipe Tests / Contaminated shipments
Hello Radsafers
Here's my two cents.
In principal, the source or material container should have been wiped prior
to shipment or have been tested for removable activity within the last six
The external wipe I believe is to check up on where the PACKAGE has been
and indirectly the cleanliness of the environments it has been in.
A damaged package is another matter-Don't accept it!
The standard disclaimers apply to the above!
Carl A. Peterson Schlumberger-Doll Research
Radiation Safety Officer Old Quarry Road
e-mail:Peterson@ridgefield.sdr.slb.com Ridgefield, CT 06877-4108
Phone: (203)431-5272
Fax: (203)438-3819