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Safety of Am-241 Smoke Detectors

     In a effort to educate the public (especially students) about radiation
     science it is useful to point out common, non-threatening consumer
     products like lantern mantles and smoke detectors.

     Can anyone provide references of safety evaluations of these products?

     Specifically, this information is needed for obtaining an exemption or
     possibly a license for the use of Am-241 smoke detector sources in the
     class room.

     Thanks for your help...mjr

     _/_/      _/_/       _/     _/    _/_/    _/_/    Michael J. Russell, CHP
   _/   _/   _/   _/     _/     _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   SONGS, D3D
    _/     _/      _/   _/_/   _/  _/         _/       PO Box 128
     _/   _/       _/  _/ _/  _/  _/           _/      San Clemente, CA 92672
      _/  _/      _/  _/  _/ _/  _/  _/_/        _/    (714) 368-9127
_/    _/  _/     _/  _/   _/_/  _/      _/  _/   _/    fax (714) 368-7575
 _/_/       _/_/    _/     _/    _/_/_/      _/_/      russelmj@songs.sce.com