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Dear Radsafers,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee for CRSO/CRPA '97, we invite you to
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 12 to 15, 1997, to join your
friends and colleagues from both the organization of Campus Radiation
Safety Officers and the Canadian Radiation Protection Association.
"Focusing Real Risks" will be the theme of this joint conference, which
will be held at Dunsmuir Lodge, near the Victoria International Airport.
The Program Committee is putting together an array of plenary, panel,
workshop and scientific sessions. Special workshops on carcinogenic effects
of non-ionizing radiation and regulatory issues are being planned. Topics
for scientific and operational papers include:
* Radiopharmaceuticals
* Emergency Response
* Accelerator Safety
* Risk Communications
* Regulatory Issues
* Transport of Hazardous Goods
* Reactor Health Physics
* Training Programs
* Non-Ionizing Radiation
* Sources
* Campus Safety Programs
* Effects Research
Abstracts may be sent by Email, Fax or post to:
1997 Program Committee
Attn Wayne Greene
50-2075 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T1Z1
Tel (604)822-4218 Fax(604)822-6650
Information will be updated on the conference World Wide Website:
If you have never been to Victoria, you will be in for a real treat. May
weather is usually sunny and mild - disregard any statement about Vancouver
Island being part of the "Wet Coast" - with flowers and trees in full
bloom. For our neighbours, the US dollar is worth 30% more up here.
We look forward to seeing you in Victoria next year.
Sincerely yours,
Renato Danesin
CRSO Conference Co-Chair
Phone (604)721-8876
Fax (604)721-6359
Email rdanesin@uvic.ca
Richard Piskor
CRPA Conference Co-Chair
Phone (604)721-8875
Fax (604)721-6359
Email rpiskor@uvic.ca