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Re: Looking for Forms
The "Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest" includes 6 forms:
NRC Form 540, "Shipping Paper"\
NRC Form 540A, continuation sheet for 540
NRC Form 541, "Container and Waste Description"
NRC Form 541A, continuation sheet for 541
NRC Form 542, "Manifest Index and Regional Compact Tabulation"
NRC Form 542A, continuation sheet for 542
You may not need all of the forms, eg., 542 is primarily for brokers. The NRC
also publishes NUREG/BR-0204, "Instructions for Completing NRC's Uniform
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest". These instructions have been updated
in a NRC memo dated May 22, 1996, subject: "Instructions for Completing NRC's
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest". All of this is allegedly available
Information and Records Management Branch, Mail Stop T-6F33
U.Sl Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
phone: 301-415-7230
With all of this guidance, there absolutely no excuse for mistakes!
Bill Lipton
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
In a message dated 96-09-11 16:26:30 EDT, Gary Lindsey wrote:
<< I'm currently looking for NRC Form 540, Uniform Low-Level Radioactive
Manifest, but others would also be helpful.
My copy says it's NRC Form 542 (and 542A), or do I just have a supplement?
Anyway, I could copy it and mail it to you, but don't know where to download
Barbara L. Hamrick
Los Angeles County Radiation Management