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RE: Re[2]: Technical Basis Documents

It's the first time I hear about such a unit, but in my opinion 100 square cm is a good surface to take a smear from, I always did so and probably the smear is to be measured with a radiometer reading dpm. I always used when I had time a HPGe-MCA system to measure contamination and my results were always in Bq/m^2 (SI requirements).

From: 	BRZGV@ccmail.ceco.com[SMTP:BRZGV@ccmail.ceco.com]
Sent: 	Monday, September 16, 1996 10:30 AM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	Re[2]: Technical Basis Documents

     Here's one.  Someone explain where the unit "dpm/100cm^2" came from.  
     I've heard a couple of different explanations but I'm still not 
     completely satisfied that I have the correct answer.  There may be 
     some good technical reason or it may have been created out of 
     convenience and nothing more.
     Glen vickers

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Subject: Re: Technical Basis Documents
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at INTERNET
Date:    9/13/96 2:26 PM

Is this a joke?