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If you do not have a standard radionuclide, with the specific energy that
you want, you can use the following method.
Obtain three standard sources of three different energies, determine the
efficiency of each radionuclide. Graph the efficiency VS the energy, and
extrapolate the curve to the desire energy, and efficiency. I used this
method several times.
At 11:18 AM 10/2/96 -0500, you wrote:
>The procedure for detector system efficiency determination is straight
>forward if one has a NIST traceable standard of the radionuclide in question.
> If one does not have such a standard some facilities use other radionuclides
>with "similar" spectra. Is anyone aware of a reference for this
>"Mis-Matched" technique? Could you please share? Thank you for your
>Carl Chamberlain
Mr. Rahim Ghanooni
Sr. Health Physicist
Certified Hazardous Material Manager (CHMM)
319-851-7133 Tel
319-851-7626 Fax