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Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of Public Fear of Radiation -Reply

Al wrote in part:
> I rabidly, explosively,and absolutely diagree with those statements. 
>The LNTH IS the cause of the public fear, or, rather, the corruption of
>the LNTH idea is the cause.  The LNTH says: "there MAY BE some
harmful effect of low doses."..... 
They say that when a lawyer has the facts on his/her side, he pounds
the facts. And when he doesn't have the facts, he pounds the table.  It
seems that those without the facts on their side  also pound the upper
case. - sorry Al, I couldn't resist. 

I don't pretend to have "facts", relevant to this discussion, either, but let
me make an observation. Spencer Weart, PhD in physics, Director of the
American Institute of Physics, author of the book "Nuclear Fear" has
studied this matter very carefully. In his book he attributes the public's
fear to the accumulated impact of the images that have appeared over
the last century in the literature, movies, television, etc. Images of
mutants, nuclear destruction, mad scientists etc. He also points out the
long term impact of the equally false images created by the nuclear
industry itself: the plutonium economy, energy too cheap to meter,
deserts turned into " lands flowing with milk and honey", nuclear
powered cars, nuclear heated homes etc.

Nowhere does Weart, as far as I can tell, attribute any importance to the
issue of presumed risks at low levels. In his view, it would seem that the
public's fear is based on emotion, period. In my view, if you pin your
hopes for reviving the "nuclear business" on the elimination of the LNT
concept,  you are living in a fantasy world.  

Paul Frame
Professional Training Programs