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Radioactive Dose Calculation (fwd)
A foward from the SAFETY list. Please reply directly to
<phdoom@sprynet.com>, since I don't think he's a radsafer.
>From: "David Brenner, Ph.D." <phdoom@sprynet.com>
>Subject: Radioactive Dose Calculation
>I need to do some calculations on the inhalation dose of Pu238/239 and Am241.
>From ICRP-56 I have the appropriate Dose Equivalent factors for the four
organs of interest; bone surface, lungs, liver, bone marrow. (For example;
for bone surface, for an adult, for Pu239, this value for Y class is 8.7e-4
Sv/Bq.) From my understanding of the dose calculation I need to multiple
this factor by the intake (in Bq) and then multiple again by the fraction of
the Pu/Am absorbed by the lungs. From somewhere, and where I can't remember,
this factor 0.05.
>Two questions for the list:
>1. Is it appropriate to multiple by the lung absorption fraction (0.05) to
get the organ specific absorbed dose?
>2. Does anyone have a reference for the absorption fraction (0.05)? (I
realize it is probably dependent upon the actual chemical composition of the
Pu/Am inhaled).
>If you need more clarification or have questions, you may want to contact
me directly.
>Thanks much for your time,
>Regards, David Brenner
>phdoom@sprynet.com David Brenner, Ph.D.
>MRA, Inc. Denver, CO FAX: 303-355-3361