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Re: Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of P -Reply

Fellow Radsafers,

For those of you who agree with Marv G
and myself that Joyce Davis' comments are bang on,
I would like to bring your attention to a report
issued by our Advisory Committee on Radiation Protection.

This is a group of senior HP types who advise the Atomic
Energy Control Board in Canada on these matters.

The report I refer to is 
ACRP-18, Biological Effects of Low Doses of Radiation
at Low Dose Rate. May 1996.

This report , to my mind, essentially recommends what Joyce has
clearly stated.
That is, don't throw out the LNT, BUT, be extremely careful in reporting
risks and/or effects when extrapolating to low doses.

Those interested can email me and I will send a copy along.

Jim Presley
Atomic Energy Control Board