Does anyone know of any rad tape that will come off of floors easily?
I work at a nuclear power plant and there have been numerous occasions
where the contaminated area boundaries have changed in an area and the
tape must then be removed. The type of tape we use is thin plastic
and does not come off of the floor easily. Tape removal often
requires scraping. Needless to say, we only use rad tape as a last
resort to prevent accumulating unnecessary dose scraping up tape.
A thicker vynil tape or one with a fiberous matrix would probably work
well. There may be slightly more dry active waste volume when compare
to our current tape, but that is a drop in the bucket when compared to
labor costs of the removal and accumulated dose.
How about a tape that is approved for use on stainless steel with
respect to nuclear power plant components? I believe there is a
concern over chlorides or possibly something else in the adhesive. I
believe the concern is the fact that chlorine is considered to be a
bad actor in the area of enhancing intergranular stress corrosion
I guess this is what they call "Operational Health Physics"; not very
technical, but still important just the same.
Glen Vickers, HP